Insurrection, Grief and Shadowloss

Feel what you feel for as long as it takes to process through it. The right word recognizes our deepest emotions. When I mourn, but my grief is not attached to a physical death, there is a word for it, “shadowloss.” The term was coined by Cole Imperi, founder of The School of American Thanatology, which is the science of…

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Coup on the Capitol: Blame Alternative Facts

The coup on the Capitol fell on January 6, the Epiphany, which was the visit to the baby Jesus by the Three Wise Men. It marked recognition of a new era. Epiphany also means a sudden and striking realization. We would be wise to know the domestic terrorism on January 6 proved one thing: “divided we fall.”  Can we ever…

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DNA is a truth teller and sometimes it hurts

October is Family History Month and for some, DNA is unearthing uncomfortable facts. Never mind social media, which offers instant history. That is child’s play compared to the biggest truth teller of all:  DNA.  Sometimes the results can be shattering. DNA testing is used to research genealogy, ethnic origins, and to find family relations.  DNA has been to used to…

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Pumpkin picking message: “I got this”

When my inner world gets crowded with hobgoblins (and they’re coming in from all sides these days), I know that, just like the season, this, too, will pass.  Meanwhile, be a positive force for others. Create present good. Go pumpkin picking.  We need a mental health break. At a U-pick farm, we march into orange dotted fields, a little red…

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Getting along: stick to first person

Here’s a novel thought for getting along.  Let’s stop the name-calling and making assumptions about each other’s character.  No good comes from labels like “deplorables,” “baby killers,” or “socialists.”  Sure, it’s on TV all the time where our mommies and daddies of political leadership set a bad example, but let’s be the kids who decide family dysfunction ends with us….

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