Suzette Teaches How To Write About Death and Dying – Register!
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Writing about death is intimate. More personal than writing about sex, your bank balance, or whatever “stayed in Las Vegas.” Beginning Tuesday, October 12, 2021, I will teach a 7-week writing course for The School of American Thanatology. My classes will blend practical writing tips and guided imagery exercises toward authenticity, vulnerability, and effective writing communication. These are abilities needed in a career as a Death Worker, those professionals who journey ad navigate the process with the dying.
However, the skills gained can be applied to any genre of writing.
I am hired by The School of American Thanatology, founded by Cole Imperi, which focuses on the science of death, dying, grief and healing. I am their first writing instructor, and my previous Spring 2021 series was received to enthusiastic response. They’ve invited me back!
Death. It sounds spooky, maybe even macabre, but it is not. Death is a transition, and as poet Charles Franklin wrote, “Nobody gets out of life alive.” It makes for a very meaningful writing prompt.
My classes will use death and dying as focus points for writing (sharing is optional, not required). Exercises will use guided imagery (also known as a meditative mindset or self-hypnosis) because a relaxed mind is most creative! The classes aim to be fun, safe, and self-revealing. Why self-revealing? For death workers, the dying experience can span terminal diagnosis, to active dying, to post-death services. During that time barriers fall and resolution and peace are urgent. Such companions can model courage and self-acceptance. Writing meaningfully about difficult situations has been proven scientifically to be self-healing.
We heal ourselves so we may offer healing to others.
Join me!
Tuesdays, October 12-November 23, 2021, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. (Eastern time)