
Suzette Teaches How To Write About Death and Dying – Register!

Writing about death is intimate.  More personal than writing about sex, your bank balance, or whatever “stayed in Las Vegas.” Beginning Tuesday, October 12, 2021, I will teach a 7-week writing course for The School of American Thanatology. My classes will blend practical writing tips and guided imagery exercises toward authenticity, vulnerability, and effective writing […]

Wisdom from the White Buffalo Calf Woman

In chaos, find wisdom from within. I met the White Buffalo Calf Woman and she was very reassuring.  A zoom meditation took me and others on an inner journey to hear what she had to say. I am stressed and discouraged from the daily negativity of politics, and I find solace where I can.  To […]

Suzette Standring: Guided Meditation to Relax

During this pandemic, as we all wrestle with stress, isolation and uncertainty, I created a guided meditation to relax.  All you have to do is listen and let go.  We all have the ability to get centered and find peace within.  We do it with connection with friends, family, pets…even at a forced distance as now. […]