
Coup on the Capitol: Blame Alternative Facts

The coup on the Capitol fell on January 6, the Epiphany, which was the visit to the baby Jesus by the Three Wise Men. It marked recognition of a new era. Epiphany also means a sudden and striking realization. We would be wise to know the domestic terrorism on January 6 proved one thing: “divided […]

Getting along: stick to first person

Here’s a novel thought for getting along.  Let’s stop the name-calling and making assumptions about each other’s character.  No good comes from labels like “deplorables,” “baby killers,” or “socialists.”  Sure, it’s on TV all the time where our mommies and daddies of political leadership set a bad example, but let’s be the kids who decide […]

To “Won’t Voters”: Spare me your impotent morality

To the “Won’t Voters” who claim conscience and will refrain from voting: Spare me your impotent morality.  On Nov. 9, if the new president horrifies you, it’s on you. I’m voting for Hillary Clinton because she represents reason.  Don’t parrot about her emails. That is nothing compared to Trump’s boasts of sexual assault, stiffing companies […]

Election: Do past screw-ups totally define us?

While an election apology may lead to forgiveness, neither one erases consequences, especially in the digital age when the mistakes of ten, 20, even 40 years ago can be dredged up to fresh outrage.  Redemption is truly the Lord’s, because nobody has a chance in hell with people. The presidential campaign is a criminal kangaroo […]