Archive for Suzette Martinez Standring – Page 5

John Lewis, Civil Rights Icon and U.S. Congressman: touching greatness

John Lewis, longtime U.S. congressman and civil rights icon for “good trouble,” was buried on July 30, 2020.  The Georgia legislator was legendary for his lifelong patriotic protest and dissent against inequality.  He played major roles in the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.  I once held his hand. Few can connect the […]

Unity despite chaos: Diversity is changing America for the better

Randolph resident Dennis Grimes, 72, is African-American and a former Winthrop police officer. Today, he sees younger generations of all races – Caucasians, Latinos, Asians – unite in national movements for equal treatment of African-Americans and communities of color.  In my town, Milton, a diverse and peaceful crowd of 300 neighbors met in solidarity. Despite […]

Pandemic Darkness: Be a light

The pandemic continues. Inside-the-house-time translates to inside-of-ourselves-time, and for me, the longest self-reflection period ever.

Mothers Day Gift: No Guilt

Can you overcome your upbringing when raising your own kids? Josephine Martinez, came from the Philippines and was a stay-at-home mom all her life. She gave me an enduring sense of God’s goodness, which is ironic since she suffered from severe religious guilt. Fortunately, she didn’t raise us in the same way. Excessive self-blame is […]

Pandemic: Adversity Reveals One’s Character

Adversity reveals one’s character during these abnormal times. Togetherness, 24/7, as well as solitary confinement, gives rise to creativity and new ways to show love. Then there are the hoarders, the complainers, the blamers.  Our country is on a collective timeout and what a collection we are. Each of us is a composite of good […]