Archive for writing – Page 2

Women Writers: No apologies

[Photo: At EBWW conference, Suzette with Gina Barreca, author and professor of English and Feminist Theory at the University of Connecticut.  Suzette is wearing the “tribal mask” for loud, smart, funny women.  Thanks for the gift, Gina!) A smart, competent female writer stood up to share her thoughts.  “I’m sorry to take up the time…I’m […]

Writing workshop revelations – Cape Cod

“So how did the July 18 Escape to the Cape Writing Workshop go?”  Unexpected.  Magical. Revealing.  All elements yearned for by a writer. (I breathed a sigh of relief.)  I’ll do it again on August 22.  (See link at the end). When hypnotic recall exercises are used for writing, surprising paths beckon. On July 18, […]

July 18 – Writing Workshop with Suzette, Cape Cod

A rare writing experience on Cape Cod with Suzette Standring using meditative recall to mine memories. Saturday, July 18, 2015 Escape to the Cape Writing Workshop Using Hypnotic Recall to Create Spellbinding Stories East Falmouth, MA (address to be given to registrants) 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Limited to 20 Attendees; $95.00 Lunch included Summer […]

Opinion Writing and Fifth-Graders

I talked to fifth-graders at Tucker School in Milton about the art of opinion writing. Those ten-year-olds were taller than I am! It took me back to 1965 when some kids in my own fifth grade used to call me “shrimp,” “midget” or “tiny tot.” Ah, childhood and its future effects on self-expression. As a […]

When Stand up Comedy and Column Writing Meet

Life is an unexpected ride. I’m a columnist who presents writing workshops, maybe the occasional keynote.  But standup comedy? Terrifying! I am not that gal. Or am I? On a lark I did a Story Slam recently. The theme was “Believe it or Not” and in the five minutes allowed, I shared a funny version […]