Kids – Page 2

Embrace the Empty Nest Season

Labor Day marks the last summer hurrah for families. Parents of out-of-town college kids teeter on the edge of an empty nest. Tears, goodbye hugs, bittersweet farewells. Separation and full adulthood take a leap of faith. I’m talking about parents. My daughter, Star, is 42, so it’s been years since she drove away to make […]

Art by kids lets grownups dream

Art by kids decorates the Town of Milton, and I’ve been uplifted by the creative vision of children.  On Pleasant Street, giant pinwheels rollick in the wind, and smaller ones affixed to the chain link fence spin and whirl near the word  BREATHE in big green letters. I need that reminder. Fifteen art installations made […]

The Gifts We Don’t Return

This month a deluge of holiday gifts are returned to stores. It’s hard to give the perfect gift, and almost as hard to remember getting one. Yet Patricia Kachinsky of Milton still talks about what she received years ago.  Back then she told her four young daughters, “I want a memory of something your father […]

Saying Grace: The Power of Intention

Nationally, Thanksgiving is a collective mindset of gratitude to forces greater than ourselves. Like a Norman Rockwell painting, heads bow over grace when families gather, everyone primed for thanks. Yet for many, saying grace is the holiday exception, not the daily rule.  Many might ask, “Well, isn’t a group blessing just the official signal to […]

Black Friday: Overcome the Darkness

Black Friday is aptly named. Everyone’s dark side is out when the last nerve is drilled down trying to buy that “smart” toy, a tie, or the last leather bag in saddle brown. Now big sales on Thanksgiving splinter the holiday further. Is the football game on the wide screen TV the only glue holding […]