Archive for Suzette Standring – Page 4

Unity despite chaos: Diversity is changing America for the better

Randolph resident Dennis Grimes, 72, is African-American and a former Winthrop police officer. Today, he sees younger generations of all races – Caucasians, Latinos, Asians – unite in national movements for equal treatment of African-Americans and communities of color.  In my town, Milton, a diverse and peaceful crowd of 300 neighbors met in solidarity. Despite […]

Pandemic Darkness: Be a light

The pandemic continues. Inside-the-house-time translates to inside-of-ourselves-time, and for me, the longest self-reflection period ever.

Pandemic: Adversity Reveals One’s Character

Adversity reveals one’s character during these abnormal times. Togetherness, 24/7, as well as solitary confinement, gives rise to creativity and new ways to show love. Then there are the hoarders, the complainers, the blamers.  Our country is on a collective timeout and what a collection we are. Each of us is a composite of good […]

Suzette Standring: Guided Meditation to Relax

During this pandemic, as we all wrestle with stress, isolation and uncertainty, I created a guided meditation to relax.  All you have to do is listen and let go.  We all have the ability to get centered and find peace within.  We do it with connection with friends, family, pets…even at a forced distance as now. […]

National Love Your Pet Day: Love your lifesaver

National Love your Pet Day is February 20.  Whenever I hear the rant-filled bullying of our public discourse, why doesn’t my dog Ginger wear a bright red vest emblazoned “THERAPY DOG”?  During the vicious storms of division, where’s MY thunder coat? Ginger is my teacup in the tempest. That dog makes me laugh despite my being […]