
Meatless and Motivated: Boosting Black Veganism

In the realm of healthier eating, Black Americans are the fastest growing group of vegans, according to a Gallup poll. Veganism is a plant-based diet that excludes all meat, fish and all animal by-products. One Brockton couple is bringing more people of color into the fold.

Love in the time of Covid: Nurture Self Discovery

Like anyone who has ever lived  (I’ll exclude Jesus and Buddha), I get so annoyed when obvious solutions (to me) are not followed. I’m not alone. Fingers pointed across both sides of the chasm, “It’s YOUR fault for (fill in the blank).” Then I’ll read something that puts me in my place, like this little […]

National Love Your Pet Day: Love your lifesaver

National Love your Pet Day is February 20.  Whenever I hear the rant-filled bullying of our public discourse, why doesn’t my dog Ginger wear a bright red vest emblazoned “THERAPY DOG”?  During the vicious storms of division, where’s MY thunder coat? Ginger is my teacup in the tempest. That dog makes me laugh despite my being […]

Philippines: A Visit to one of the Seven New Wonders of Nature

From Cebu, we flew to Palawan, where outrigger hopping to nearby unspoiled  beaches on other islands is easy. But when it comes to Eden, the island of Palawan is no slouch.           Here in Palawan, in 2012 the Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River National Park was ranked one of “The Seven New Wonders […]

Earth Day: She still needs better loving

Earth Day was founded in 1970 and Mamma Earth, our vivid, blue ball in space, still needs better loving.  Last year recorded 7.6 billion people on earth, which can only sustain 9-10 billion based on available resources calculated by Edward O. Wilson, the father of sociobiology. Global habitation will choke before 2050, when the predicted […]