Archive for Suzette Martinez Standring – Page 3

Spring Flowers: A Profoundly Short But Healing Life

Spring flowers are fleeting and fragile beauties. The metaphor for “living in the now,” is a crocus bloom. My dining room is alight in yellow forsythia and daffodils, budding azaleas, and shrub branches full of “pink, pearly thingies.” After 20 years I have a first-ever flower bower for my meal times. Pandemic isolation highlights home […]

Passover and Easter symbolize release from the bondage of despair

Once upon a time, in what feels like a galaxy far, far away, faith was about love, compassion, protection, and building each other up. Those things create a quiet, personal righteousness.  But now a loud, public righteousness is fueled by anger with no room for forgiveness or redemption. Passover and Easter symbolize the power to […]

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Reclaim Their Mental Health

Telling the truth is never convenient and has no perfect timing. Struggles are shared when one realizes mental health is at stake. No one expected the wife of Prince Harry to be fearful or suicidal, yet that was Meghan Markle’s experience as told to Oprah Winfrey during a TV interview. I hope many battling mental […]

Coup on the Capitol: Blame Alternative Facts

The coup on the Capitol fell on January 6, the Epiphany, which was the visit to the baby Jesus by the Three Wise Men. It marked recognition of a new era. Epiphany also means a sudden and striking realization. We would be wise to know the domestic terrorism on January 6 proved one thing: “divided […]

DNA is a truth teller and sometimes it hurts

October is Family History Month and for some, DNA is unearthing uncomfortable facts. Never mind social media, which offers instant history. That is child’s play compared to the biggest truth teller of all:  DNA.  Sometimes the results can be shattering. DNA testing is used to research genealogy, ethnic origins, and to find family relations.  DNA […]